Adapt to changes. Sales and Purchase process has changed. Are you?

The process of buying and selling has changed much in recent years compared to several decades ago. Buyers are more sophisticated, and, thanks to the internet, they are full of information. They are smarter than ever, and always careful to get the best value. When it’s time to start cooperation, they seek to negotiate to achieve their goals and manage their resources. However, it is important for you to maintain, margins, profitability and customer satisfaction at the highest level.

When sales people bring knowledge and ideas available to the buyer, that they had not previously considered, they strengthen their relationships, differentiate themself from the competition and win more sales. The training "Negotiating and Sales Conversation by ProspecTime", teaches you and the sales staff, how to develop conversations based on ideas, inspire knowledge, and get themselves and their company apart from others. You learn the skills necessary to be an irreplaceable source of information and achieve  "Win-Win" situation for you and your customers.

In the training "Negotiating and Sales Conversation by ProspecTime ", participants will learn how to:

  • Create conversations sale based on ideas and knowledge, to clarify the objections that brings the buyer to close the deal
  • Lead skillfully the sales negotiations, to be persuasive and with the participation of the buyer stimulate their thinking to arrive at "Win-Win" solution
  • Highlight knowledge through questions, to anticipate and to respond to objections that may arise buyers
  • Identify interested buyers for new ideas and adapt ideas based on the preferences of the buyer
  • Use the concept of knowledge restructuring to encourage executives for new ideas
  • Conduct discussions at the executive level in base of proposal value and to avoid price reductions
  • Increase and strengthen cooperation based on the value avoiding mistakes in the sales process to undermine the credibility and sales

ProspecTime has helped many sales employees, professionals and managers, develop more effective sales conversations. Each training fits neatly on your industry, products and services, and significantly improve the skills of your team's for success.

This training will teach you and your team how to discern, on the base of personal skills, the buying power of the customer and the value they can add, to discuss ideas urging it to take action for better resolution.

ProspecTime is ready to help, you personally or your organization in improving performance in sales.

 Take the first step today to improve sales. Call +355 682038417 or send email to: to discover together how we can improve sales results in your company.