Career Direct® is a revolutionary advice based on an evaluation system that combines biblical principles of management talents with technology and the latest statistics of career guidance.

Career Direct® has over 20 years of development and has been tested and rated for accuracy vlefshërinë strictly.

Approximately 200,000 clients, adults, students and pupils have benefited from Career Direct®.

Career Direct is designed keeping in mind the global implementation. Currently, the tool can be found and used in 18 different languages. Each report Detailed systematically extended through leftësisht readable format. Also available are additional resources to assist clients in their quest for career and educational fields that best suit their unique composition as it unfolds in a detailed report.

What makes it unique Career Direct®?

It is one of the few self-assessment tools that is approaching career guidance from a biblical perspective and focuses on four key dimensions of the composition of a PRIVATE personality, interests, abilities and values. The majority of career guidance tools cover one or two of these fusha.Career Direct® was developed to incorporate the full four dimensions in a full detailed report.

Interesting facts Career Direct®

  • The test can be completed within an hour.
  • Detailed report is 34 pages.
  • Direct Career consultants were trained specifically and carefully in order to assist their clients.
  • Currently, consultants Career Direct is active in 47 countries worldwide.
  • Career Direct is developed psychometric and is statistically verifiable and reliable; a Development and Research Handbook is available for review by the public.

How valid is Career Direct®?

Factors from the personality of Career Direct® were validated against and are associated in particular with similar factors Hogan Personality Inventory and Costa and McCrae's NEO-PI.

How reliable is Career Direct®?

Reliability tests are higher acceptable levels as shown in the internal consistency of measurements and test-retest reliability shown below.

What is the history behind Career Direct® research?

In short, the evaluation test was conducted over a ten-year period using standard psychometric principles and testing thousands of people. Test assessment is not based or derived from existing instruments but was developed from the level of points using factor analysis and other statistical analysis to develop factors and scores.

ProspecTime, through Career Direct® Certified Consultants, is ready to help you discover your "right" path!

Take the first step today to find out who you are and what is the best for you, and then be aware of the most important decisions in your life, both in terms of education and professionalism.

Call now at +355 682038417, send an e-mail to , or HERE and we will be with you throughout the evaluation process.