
About Us
ProspecTime Consulting was founded by experienced professionals to provide its consulting, training, and mentoring services in the field of personal and professional development and on the development of the individuals, businesses and organizations. Through analysis, market research and its consulting services, ProspecTime aims at supporting individuals, businesses and organizations to know th...more
ProspecTime Consulting is built by a dedicated team of individuals to do the best and to put into practice the values that are the foundation in our work. We appreciate the professionalism, integrity and loyalty as the basic elements in every step of the collaboration with individuals, organizations and businesses. Our knowledge and experience will be a valuable supp...more
ProspecTime views your career in the following directions:   ProspecTime builds your career! Through our expertise you can build your career step by step, as one of the most important processes in life. Knowing and understanding the world of work in order to take adequate decisions an...more
Our Clients
ProspecTime Consulting supports individuals and organizations of every size overcome their greatest business development challenges. Our expertise is applied to any industry by offering the adequate service upon assessment results. ProspecTime has value-based, customer-focused system, which brings added value to individuals and ...more

Our Services

Organizational Development Consulting

Human Resources Management Consulting

Sales Consulting Services

Training Programs

You are invited to become part of the ProspecTime activities. In following detailed information on our activities, hoping that you find it interesting....more
ProspecTime steps through pictures. Let's explore together!...more
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Best projects for the best clients. Interesting and challenge projects cover the entire scope of Organization Development, Human Resources Management, Sales and Specialist technical services for public and private sector clients in Albania and in the region....more